Microsoft Dumps Password Expiry

Microsoft has dumped the infamous password expiration from its recommended Windows safety baseline. The change was flagged in April 2019 and also formalised on Might...

Average Cost of a Data Breach

A recent study conducted by IBM provides some context to the same old story that you hear in the news of big bad breaches...

HealthEngine reportedly “Sharing” patient data with law firm!

HealthEngine said it has multiple referral agreements with a wide range of industry players This is the second time the service has come...

Ticketmaster Security Leak – 400,000 Customers affected

Ticketmaster Exploit: JavaScript chatbot with data scraper injected in to supply chain systems. Risk to Small Business: High: Highlights how supply chain vulnerabilities can lead to massive data loss...

Breach Alert – Ministry of Health of Singapore

As Australia is on the eve of having it's own national health records forced on everyone, we have another example of Governments not keeping...

NBN Scams escalate in 2019

Scammers, targeting the elderly, have ramped up their campaign to capture a slice of our money! Each Month over $100,000 is lost to Scammers by...

51% of Aussie Businesses Pony up the Cash!

It's well known that you don't give in to Bullies, Even school children know this.However, When you are facing the loss of your entire...

Centrelink Burns $191 Million : A Cautionary Tale

TL;DR Centrelink recently terminated a $191 million project for a new Entitlements Calculation Engine (ECE) after it failed to meet performance standards. Produced by Infosys...

Scammers targeting MyGov Website – Be Extra Careful!

A new version of the same old scheme, Scammers have cloned the myGov website and are luring victims using phishing emails. The emails are...

Facebook Leaks once again

Facebook (yes again) Exploit: Unsecured JavaScript file/ supply chain Risk to Small Business: High: A supply chain vendor that leaks data will tarnish the reputation of business. Risk to Exploited...
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