Coles had to close stores because of IT Issue!

A Return to the dark ages! Now more than ever a business runs on its computer systems, As evidenced by Coles closing down several stores...

Breach Notification – Women’s and Children’s Hospital

7200 Women's and Children's Hospital patient records, test results exposed online for 13 years Exploit: Negligence. Risk to Small Business: High: The sensitive nature of the data exposed as...

Breach Notification – UnityPoint Health

Another Hospital, where a simple staff caused breach creates massive security risks, Given the 1.4 Million Records that were breached, This is a massive issue Many...

Even in 2018 you can be breached without Hackers!

The ABC News and Triple J's Hack program investigated a derelict building and found over 1000 NSW Health Medical Records, Unsecured and Abandoned. Obviously, it's...

Aussie Broadband Wins the NBN

The ACCC's Measuring Broadband Australia Report was released today, Providing a new look on the NBN services, Covering the Six Major ISPs - Aussie Broadband,...

Breach Alert – Ministry of Health of Singapore

As Australia is on the eve of having it's own national health records forced on everyone, we have another example of Governments not keeping...

Average Cost of a Data Breach

A recent study conducted by IBM provides some context to the same old story that you hear in the news of big bad breaches...

Breach Notification – Macy’s

All businesses that have customer data should be aware that this information is very valuable, and hackers would love access to it. Make sure...

Breach Notification – Cass Regional Medical Center

Yet another Attack on a medical centre, This should be a wake up call to anyone storing any medical data at all, Dental, Osteopath,...

Deceased Medical records? How about 60k of them?

Dark Web Scans have started to turn up a new form of data available to purchase, Medical Records Not only just medical records but deceased persons'...
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Breach Alert – Ministry of Health of Singapore

As Australia is on the eve of having it's own national health records forced on everyone, we have another example of Governments not keeping...